Tuesday, February 22, 2011

How's the food?

Okay, by popular demand, I shall answer the food question.

It's okay.  Then again, we are eating dorm food which by definition falls somewhere in between somewhat decent and awful.  I do like Korean food though.  Love kimchi, so spicy!  I also like Bibinbap, which is a sort of rice dish mixed with veggies and sometimes egg and meat. I also like Bulgogi (spelling?)  which is a sort of spicy beef dish.  And, of course, there is always Korean barbecue.  I was never worried about the food.  I am generally adventurous with food and will try anything once and I tend to like most of what I try.  There are only a few foods in the world I am adamant about not eating.   One thing I am worried about eating is fresh octopus.  Apparently, in Korea they are known to take still live octopus and chop them up just like that and then eat them while the tentacles are still moving.  This can be very dangerous because since the suckers are still going, if you don't chew well they can end up closing your windpipe.  I promise to be careful. 

Hope that answers the food question!

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